शुक्रवार, 19 जुलाई 2013

I Want To Be Zero

I Want To Be Zero
Zero, a small zero or big zero but having a complete existence in comparison with all other numbers. No ending and no starting………………………………nothing but everything ………….....................
Yes I want to be Zero   Yes I want to be Zero   Yes I want to be Zero……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Because I have understood the importance of Zero.
If we compare it with human being then no ego state because you are not hero but zero. So I want to be zero in order to get the complete existence. Because only complete can give you complete, and everything will be confined in zero either complete emptiness or…………………………………………………….
We may find the complete peace also …………………………….

So when we realize the importance of Zero, you will never want to be hero but the Zero.
Everything has been born from Zero as we are also moving towards Zero only. Because our galaxies are moving and expanding like anything in every direction. And expanding throughout gives you the Zero shape. So I can definitely assure you that if we are Zero then we have EVERYTHING in ourselves. Everything means everything – The complete existence, the complete peace and the complete……………………………………..
Everything is for you and you are for everything…………………………………….
Zero is endless you can’t find it’s end not even start but we need to have a starting point somewhere which needs to be left and then overlapped.

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

बेनामी ने कहा…


Nitin Tomar ने कहा…

Keep up the good work